
Compensation Interview Courswork Sample

Currency exchange rate keeps on varying from time to time. Some currencies appreciate while others depreciate when compared to other currencies. In the exchange rate we determine how the currency in reference is doing when compared to other currencies in the world. Currencies from the developing nations especially in Africa perform poorly when compared to other currencies in the developed nations. For this reason the currencies from the developing nations are said to be weak when compared to those from developed countries. This is due to the economic status of the nations determining the strength of the currency from a certain country or region. In our case the following are the exchange rate of the US $ in comparison to other currencies:

1. US $ exchange rates as of March 19, 2013
0.16 China (Yuan) = 1 US $
95.76 Japan (Yen) = 1US $
1.02Canada (Dollar) = 1 US $
1.81 Turkey (Lira) =1US $
1.51 German (Euro) = 1US $
1.99 Brazil (Real) = 1US $
54.29 India (Rupee) = 1 US $
12.08 Mexico (Peso) = 1 US $
1.29 UK (Pound) = 1 US $
3.75 Saudi Arabia (Riyal) = 1US $
30.86 Russia (Ruble) = 1US $
9.32 South Africa (Rand) = 1US $
6.47 Sweden (Krona) = 1US $
9716.01 Indonesia (Rupiah) =1US $
1.047 Australia (Dollar) = 1 US $

2.In the export and import market affairs, a country has to convert its currency to the currency of the country it intends to purchase items from. For example if Japan intends to buy some materials from China, there has to be some currency conversions to facilitate easy transactions between the two nations. In our case the two trading countries, China and Japan have first to have a common currency. Jpan has to v=convert its Yen into the Chinese currency (Yuan). The exchange of the currencies helps to make the business transactions easy and fast. In most cases there has to be currency exchange if the trade being carried out involves parties or countries having a different currency. This facilitates smooth transactions between the trading partners. For example in our case the Japanese auto company has to convert its currency in to the Chinese Yuan for transactions to be carried out.

1 US $ = 0.16 Chinese Yuan
Therefore 9,030,200 Yuan =
=56438750 US $
But 1 US $= 95.76 Japanese Yen
= 5404574700 Yens.

In every country there is a currency exchange body and its main work is to facilitate exchange of currencies for the different countries. The task carried out by these currency exchange bodies is very vital in facilitating external trade between the country and other nations. The currency exchange also facilitates other sectors of trade like the tourism industry. The exchange of currency helps the incoming tourists to acquire the currency of the country they travel to. Having acquired the currency used in the country, the tourists can now easily purchase goods sold in that country and pay for the services.

1 bond = 9,500,000 Rupiah
750 bonds= 750 * 9,500,000= 7125000000
But 1US $=9716.01 Rupiah
Therefore buying 750 bonds would be: 7125000000/9716.01= 733325.72 US$
But 1 US$= 1.99 Real
Therefore to buy 750 bonds: 1.99 * 733325.72 = 1459318.18 Brazil Real

In some cases, the currency of a certain country may depreciate or appreciate when compared to other currencies. When a currency depreciates, it is said to be performing poorly in the outside market. The rate of appreciation or depreciation is measured in terms of percentage. There are some reasons making a currency to appreciate or depreciate. The major factor is the value of the country’s exports when compared to the imports the country gets from the partner trading nations. If the country is exporting less and importing more, the value of the currency in that country depreciates. It is therefore the obligation of the government in such a country to try and minimize the imports and at the same time increase the value of its exports.

On the other hand, the currency of a country or a certain region appreciates due to some factors. The major one still lies on the exports and the imports the country gets from the trading partner country. For example if a country is exporting more and importing less goods or services, the value of the country’s currency appreciates. Appreciation of a currency is also a result of the exports the country sells to the external markets. If the exports are of a high value, they fetch more money and hence the value of the country’s currency will appreciate.

The presented piece of writing is a good example how the academic paper should be written. However, the text can’t be used as a part of your own and submitted to your professor – it will be considered as plagiarism.
But you can order it from our service and receive complete high-quality custom paper. Writing a good essay is an exciting, but difficult assignment for college, university students and school degrees. Our service offers essay sample that was written by professional writer. If you like one, you have an opportunity to buy a similar paper. Any of the academic papers will be written from scratch, according to all customers’ specifications, expectations and highest standards.

Psychology Creative Writing Essay Sample

1. What are the factors affecting decision making?

Decision-making is a complex process that is influenced by several factors. They can be categorized into two namely: human factors and environmental factors. To start with, human factors affecting decision-making process can be in form of feelings or perception. The feeling one has towards a given problem affects the type of decision he makes. When one has a feeling that a given type of race is good in performing some kind of task, he will make decisions favoring his feeling. When selecting contractors, one may decide to pick a British contractor since he or she has a feeling that the Britons are competent contractors who complete their work in time. Another factor is the experience of the decision maker, this is common in the field of science for instance, a doctor makes decision concerning the method of treatment a patient should undergo based on the previous experience with a similar case.

2. How can conflict and stress be avoided by use of communication?

Communication is one of the primary tools for management. Clear communication channels between the management and the subordinates enhance performance and reduce job related stress and conflicts. For instance, when the employees are given clear roles to play they will work according to the instructions of the instructor. This is through proper communication and reduces job related stress. Conflicts in the organization mainly results from poor communication. People disagree due to lack of understanding concerning the issues within the work setting. Proper communication channels will reduce the level of conflicts between the employees themselves and between the employees and the management. Proper communication channels create mutual understanding among all the parties within the organization thus reducing cases of conflicts in an organization.

The presented piece of writing is a good example how the academic paper should be written. However, the text can’t be used as a part of your own and submitted to your professor – it will be considered as plagiarism.
But you can order it from our service and receive complete high-quality custom paper. Writing a good argument essay is an exciting, but difficult assignment for college and university students. Our service offers essay sample that was written by professional MBA writer . If you like one, you have an opportunity to buy a similar paper. Any of the academic papers will be written from scratch, according to all customers’ specifications, expectations and highest standards.

Windows 2008 Server Rewiev Sample

Windows server 2008 is one of the Microsoft operating systems for application for both personal and corporate use. The windows server 2008 is build from a similar code base to that of windows vista and therefore it has similar architecture and functionality. Due to similar code base it therefore has most of the security, technical and management and administrative features that would be new to windows vista such as improved image based installation, monitoring, improved diagnostics, rewritten networking stacks and reporting tools etc. This operating system allows for the modeling of the process and memory devices to allow for plug and play capabilities that enable hot plugging of such devices. Also this facilitates the system resources to be portioned dynamically with the use of dynamic hardware partitioning: this implies that each of the memory needs to have its own memory, I/O host bride devices and processors independent of other partitions.

The active directory is basically and directory service that is included in the Windows Server 2008 operating system. It essentially acts as a central hub in which network administrators perform a variety of task that are related to network management. To achieve this network administrators need to be able to access the active directory in order to set up the security policies, store date, manage user accounts, deploy or update software throughout a network. There are different methods of accessing, management and deploying the directory. However the methods used by the network administrators would essentially depend on the structure of the active directory based on the structure of the organization. Windows server 2008 includes many applications such as the terminal services, exchange services and system centre add capability to the active directory.

The windows server 2008 active directory allows for application add extensities that allows management of objects in relation to new products. For instance
This particular article shall look at the process of installation and configuration of the windows server 2008. In the resent past there has been an upgrade to windows server 2008 R2 which shall be the core focus of our discussion and analysis in this summarized manual.

Regency Fashion in Pride and Prejudice Essay Sample

The Mirror of Graces (1811) also termed as The English Lady’s Costume is a masterpiece that was established through writing by a woman who desires to remain anonymous. In addition to that, it covers the manners, conduct, and social customs during her time, that is, the late 18th and early 19th centuries, which also happens to be the times of Napoleon and Jane Austen. The book is committed to a large portion to the “English lady’s costume”. In spite of this, it also constitutes of movement, deportment, the appropriate dances, propriety, and health and beauty aids. Among the first pages, the book relays evening dresses as shown below and this hints on Regency fashion that was prevalent in Pride and Prejudice.

Pride and Prejudice draws its setting in the Early to the Mid-Victorian timeframe (1775-1850). The costumes which individuals wore was not merely an issue of fashion, however, it was affiliated with social class (Boyle). In this setting, social class was a fundamental concern, and for that reason, fashion is essential. Moreover, this period generated the need for Regency fashion and customers that were the most contemporary and embraced form for the upper and middle class individuals in the societal rank. Daily living involves various costumes as showcased below:
Notably, the book The Mirror of Graces does not only discuss the elements of what should constitute a young lady’s beauty routine, dress sense and education. In light of this, the book can be reflected as a gem not just for its advice for the ladies who belong to the Regency society. This is because it covers intricate details explored with Regency bluntness as it is a reflection of the Regency mindset of the middle class. Furthermore, for Regency romance costumers, writers, and recreationists, the book offers advice on the coordination of colors, accessories, corseting, cosmetics, and undergarments (Boyle). For instance, the author deplores appalling fashion for the increasing Regency hemlines and low décolletage. Nonetheless, she confesses, like an authentic pragmatist, that the society will be much more forbearing of lapses in appropriate taste in the case that the lady in question has a stunning body.

Each and every chapter of the Mirror of Graces is split into “rules”, which function as guides to the regulation of etiquette that is examined. For example, Do not be presumptuous in offering introduction is contained in Rule 1. The illustration is established from Pride and Prejudice’s scene in which Lady Catherine charges with rage into the residence of the Bennetts’ and does not seek an introduction to Mrs. Bennet, who, ineptly, has been accorded the permission to converse with that grand lady in her house (Austen 182). Lady Catherine’s impoliteness towards Elizabeth and her mother is aggravated by her inappropriate manners.

The Mirror of Graces exhibits the elegance and decency that prevailed as a result of Regency fashion. The author indicates that a “walking dress cannot be constructed too simply” (Lady of distinction 113). The advice posed by the context of this book addresses the need to increase the novelty of the women in the society through inkling them to adopt an adornment styles which combines elegance and fashion through a simple and neat way. According to the author, dress is the “natural finish of beauty” (Lady of distinction 114). This shows that fashionable costumes and dressing forms a core factor of appearance, particularly for the women.


The presented piece of writing is a good example how the academic paper should be written. However, the text can’t be used as a part of your own and submitted to your professor – it will be considered as plagiarism.
But you can order it from our service and receive complete high-quality custom paper. Writing a good essay is an exciting, but difficult assignment for college and university students. Our service offers essay sample that was written by professional writer. If you like one, you have an opportunity to buy a similar paper. Any of the academic papers will be written from scratch, according to all customers’ specifications, expectations and highest standards.

Modern Novel Essay Sample

1. In Robert Louis Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, it is Jekyll, not Hyde, who is the real monster. Write an essay to prove or disprove this thesis.

Sister Act Book Review Sample

She was a singer in a club. She had a gangster boyfriend called Vince. One day she accidentally witnessed a brutal murder carried out by Vince and his friends. This made the gang angry and they wanted to eliminate her in an attempt to cover up their greasily deed.

Student Achievement Definition Essay

Student achievement is an essential part of any academic system. With the ever-increasing cost of life, every student wants to achieve better results so that they can be competitive enough in the job market.